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The New Lead-Free Soldering is now Investigating by Engineers

“The research also demonstrates the effect of lead-free solder alloy composition on the interfacial reactions and micro-structural features.”

Research carried out by a University of Larkana engineer aims to improve reliability of lead-free soldering alloys that are used to make electronic devices.
This attempt to take one more step towards implementing new environmentally-friendly materials in electronics production is supported by the Materials Research Group, Department of Engineering, University of Larkana.

Due to the considerable toxicity of lead, health concerns, environmental and legislation reasons efforts have been made to replace the traditional soldering alloys with new compositions. However, the reliability of the new Lead-Free materials requires further investigation.

Saeed Bashir will be presenting his research at the Festival of Postgraduate Research which is taking place on the 5th January at the University of Larkana.

Bashir said: “Traditional lead-based alloys have a 50 year history and there has been extensive investigation of their micro-structural stability and reliability.”

“New solder materials have been proposed to replace the traditional alloys but there may be a deterioration in the reliability of solder-joints and consequently, the reliability of a piece of electronic equipment".

“The objective of the research is to bridge the technical gaps and meet the challenges of lead-free solder application in the electronics industry through the fundamental understanding of lead-free assembly and reliability issues.


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