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Top 10 low sugar healthy drink alternatives

Obesity experts fear fizzy drinks may be more to blame for our expanding waistlines than fat or anything else in our diets. Cut the sugar with these healthy alternatives.

herb water healthy drinks
Adding fruit to water is common but try this alternative. Herbs are a strong-tasting and calorie-free way to jazz up water. Mix a bouquet together or try roughly tearing mint, basil or rosemary and stirring into water before serving over ice.

tumeric almond milk healthy drinks
Tumeric is a spice touted with health benefits from cancer prevention to reducing bloating. Mix a teaspoon into a glass of almond milk for a brightly-coloured healthy beverage.

matcha tea
Matcha tea is considered the most antioxidant packed of the green teas. It's ground into a fine, bright green powder and can be drunk as a hot tea or over ice, whisked into either water, milk or almond milk. Remember that it does contain caffeine, though, so don't go overboard.

watermelon ice cubes healthy drinks
Whizz up chunks of watermelon in a juicer or food processer and freeze in ice cube trays. Then pop out a few melon-cubes to add to water for a refreshing touch to your drink.

healthy drinks fruit water
One thing we love about fizzy drinks is that tongue-tingling sparkle. Make your own carbonated drink using soda or sparkling water and a squeeze of natural lemon or lime juice.

helthy drinks make your own cordial
Make your own cordial by mixing togther fruits such as berries or mango in a pulp. Keep refridgerated and add a small amount to a bottle of water before giving it a good shake. Add a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup if it's too bitter.

healthy drinks iced tea
Teas are packed with health benefits but if you don't fancy a hot drink make a batch of your favourite tea - green, black, fruit or herbal - and keep it refrigerated for homemade ice tea. Drink with a slice of lemon over ice.

healthy drink milk
Milk as a healthy drink goes in and out of fashion but certainly it's better for you than a can of coke. Full fat milk is packed with nutrients and calcium but if you're drinking more than a glass, opt for skimmed or semi-skimmed, which still delivers calcium without the fat.

ginger drink healthy
Not just for when you're feeling poorly, ginger is a great drink to give a punch of flavour without the need for sugars. Grate a little and add to cold water with a squeeze of lemon and dash of honey to wake you up for elevenses.


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